Camp Quest Enrollment

This summer, Southwest Baltimore Charter School (SBCS)  has partnered with Lavinia and the RISE Summer Boost program. Lavinia has a proven track record of academic excellence. 

We are excited to announce that SBCS is offering a five-week summer adventure program from June 24, 2024 through July 26, 2024, Monday - Thursday. Camp Quest is designed to engage students in meaningful reading and math instruction while providing them with the tools and skills to succeed this fall.

This is not your average boring summer school experience. Starting with rich, engaging texts and challenging math problems, instruction is designed to leverage the voice and thinking of our students.

Camp Quest offers a highly-engaging, culturally-relevant curriculum that will keep students excited about learning through the summer, and eager to return to school in the fall.

The literacy curriculum is grounded in multicultural literature by award-winning authors. Students will fall in love with reading and rapidly develop the critical thinking skills required for the next grade level.

The math curriculum will help students develop multiple approaches for solving problems through hands-on learning and rich mathematical discourse. Students will develop the confidence and precision necessary to tackle math word problems in the coming year.

Students will also participate in Adventure programming in the afternoon.

Camp Quest is highly recommended for all incoming students and rising 1st through 8th graders.

-The program will run for five weeks, from June 24, 2024 through July 26, 2024.

If you have questions about the program, feel free to reach out to Ms. Siobhan Vicens at

Thank you for your continued partnership in helping us to create extraordinary learning experiences that inspire the thoughtful, courageous, compassionate citizen in every child.

Please complete the registration form for Camp Quest no later than June 15, 2024.